We take care that our products are not an environmental hazard. We comply by the green environment standards of making such public products and make sure they are not a hazard to the public or the environment. Our products are free of all chemicals that are hazardous to the environment and they are made of materials that are not dangerous to nature.
Manufacturing & Marketing safe energy products in order to exceed market expectation and positively contribute in developing our society and environment is the core of our environmental policy
We make sure our factory is far away from all residential areas, and that the waste by-products are properly disposed of. We use energy efficient processes that help in creating the least amount of damage to the environment. We also aim to produce energy efficient products so that the environmental damage is minimized.
We comply in letter and spirit with prevailing industrial norms and take all necessary measures during the manufacturing of products to provide the best, healthy and clean environment to our employees in all areas.